The web's largest list of FHA approved condos and townhomes

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You're browsing for FHA approved condos in 85210 Arizona

We've searched the FHA Approved database for every zip code in this state. The information below is current as of June 24th 2010

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Condo name Condo id Status Approval date
Circle Tree Condominiums 891295001 FHA Approved
Dobson Ranch Condominiums 891347001 FHA Approved
Fiesta Park Village Tract A 891376 FHA Approved
Fiesta Park Village Tract A 891376001 FHA Approved
Fiesta Park Village Tract B 891377001 FHA Approved
Marlborough Mesa Villas 891488 FHA Approved
Marlborough Mesa Villas 891488001 FHA Approved
Marlborough Mesa Villas 891489 Withdrawn
Woodglen Square Condominiums 891699001 FHA Approved
Woodglen Square Unit Ii Condo 891700001 FHA Approved
Westbrook (pud-not A Condo) 892805 FHA Approved August 01, 1988
La Jolla Cove Condominium LAJOLLACO FHA Approved October 22, 2003
Melody Villa Condominiums MELODY FHA Approved
Tamarron Village A Condominium S002790001 FHA Approved 04/28/1999
Tamarron Village,a Condominium TAMARRON FHA Approved April 28, 1999