The web's largest list of FHA approved condos and townhomes

ForFHA is a private company, not a government agency. This site does not provide loans or other financial services

You're browsing for FHA approved condos in Culver City California

We've searched the FHA Approved database for every zip code in this state. The information below is current as of June 24th 2010

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Condo name Condo id Status Approval date
Heather Village 23852 FHA Approved February 22, 1990
Heather Village 23852001 FHA Approved
Unknown 25422 FHA Approved December 04, 1992
Windsor Estates 31271001 FHA Approved
Camelot 31362001 FHA Approved
Cambridge House 31375001 FHA Approved
31649 31649 FHA Approved
31649 31649001 FHA Approved
32034 32034 FHA Approved August 31, 1998
33422 33422 FHA Approved August 25, 1999
Lakeside Village 33619001 FHA Approved
6124 Buckingham Parkway Assoc. 33906 FHA Approved May 28, 1998
33926 33926 FHA Approved May 20, 1998
The Pines Condo 34222001 FHA Approved
French Quarter 34374 FHA Approved January 01, 1989
Tara Hill 34443001 FHA Approved
California Association 35920001 FHA Approved
Villa Andora 36237 FHA Approved
Villa Andora 36237001 FHA Approved
Windsor Castle 36429001 FHA Approved
Green Valley Circle 36819001 FHA Approved
Huron Gardens Townhomes HURONGDNS FHA Approved March 18, 2009
Lakeside Village LA82-005 Withdrawn
Adobe Grande S008081001 FHA Approved 03/17/2010