The web's largest list of FHA approved condos and townhomes

ForFHA is a private company, not a government agency. This site does not provide loans or other financial services

You're browsing for FHA approved condos in Santa Maria California

We've searched the FHA Approved database for every zip code in this state. The information below is current as of June 24th 2010

To get the freshest information visit:

Condo name Condo id Status Approval date
5140 5140 Withdrawn
5297(Pud Not A Condo) 5297 Withdrawn
5387 5387 FHA Approved
5387 5387001 FHA Approved
Las Palmas Condominiums 5558 Withdrawn
12851 R-0001 FHA Approved March 12, 1990
5381 R-8020 FHA Approved October 01, 1986